Healthy diet throughout life promotes a healthy body weight, and reduces the risk of chronic disease leading to overall health and well-being.
The diet postoperative is crucial part for the recovery process. It is very important that the diet be followed strictly to ensure the success of your surgery and maintain and continues with a good nutrition. There are several phases associated with this process that will take you on the first day until the day when you can have from 3 to 5 solid foods per day.
The diet of post-operative surgery is obligatory for two reasons: to minimize the chances of a complication and give input to the beginning of a new style of your life and you can get new eating habits that the patient should take. This does not mean that the patient will not be able to eat normal food, do not forget that in eventually form you can do.
The size of your gastric reservoir is approximately 1 ounce or 1 to 2 tablespoons. Your initial capacity will be some limited, be patient. It is possible that you feel fill with 2 to 3 tablespoons of food this is normal. You will also find that you can eat more than one type of food than another this is normal too.

In time your gastric pouch will stretch approximately six months after your surgery, you can accept 8 ounces to 1 cup of food. In the long time the size of your reservoir can be filled with 8 to 12 ounces or 1 cup. Do not forget the amount of food that can be consumed at the same time will be limited.
The diet after the surgery begin with liquids, purees next to soft diet and finally to a regular diet. The progression of the diet is designed to allow your body to reset. Is important to said that initially the diet will help you solve your protein and liquid requirements and later on you will assist in solving your feed needs. It is necessary that you follow the progression of your diet and adhere to this regimen to maximize your healing and minimize the risk of unnecessary complications.
Approximately two weeks after your surgery you will be able to tolerate a small amount of solid foods. These solids should be soft pureed and liquefied food. It is very important that you make sure chew until you get a consistency like a baby food. Finally, is very important that you should STOP EATING when you feel satisfied (without hungry)
Clear liquids diet
Starts at 24 hours after the surgery and for entire week.
You should consume drinks moisturizing without sugar: water, serum (to your liking), tea, Jell-O and Gatorade.
Try to consume from 48 to 64 ounces per day about 2 liters of liquid a day in small sips throughout the day.
It is very important to emphasize that the patient is total attachment to the strict liquid diet is required, because any food outside the liquid diet that is ingested implies an added and elevated risk of developing complications because introducing a solid food into the newly operated stomach could cause increased pressure within the body and cause the staple line to yield and a leak of the gastric contents.
Liquid diet complete
This phase provides food of a liquid nature and should be light enough to pass through a straw, you should begin with small amounts of these liquids because you will feel satisfied quickly. Eat 3-4 oz or semi-liquid food cup. Remember it is important to stay well hydrated and try to take 48 to 64 oz per day of liquids. The best thing is to take 6-8 ounces every hour and is time to start taking chewable vitamin supplement.
You can continues consume all the diet of the phase 1.
Broths of chicken, turkey, beef, vegetables, fish (broth only)
Vegetables juice
Diet of mush
This is the last phase of the process of adaptation later to the surgery before consuming normal or solid diet it is a mushes diet, this diet includes any food that could do mush and is important that there is always watched the caloric content of the components of the mush.
All types of blended or minced meats
Yogurt without sugar or chopped fruit.
Light milk and lactose-free.
Warm eggs
Apple puree
Mush fruit without seeds like bananas, peach, cantaloupe
Blended Fruit with plain yogurt
Soft and cooked vegetables, crushed or liquefied-green beans, spinach, peas, potatoes, carrots, beet and squash veggies
To avoid:
Vegetables with shell or vegetables fibrous as celery, dried fruit, starches (Flour. Any pasta and rice, sodas, milkshakes and alcohol.
*Before of the fourth week you need to visit you nutritionist who will tell you that you need to eat.
The sucess of the surgery only is depends on the operation itself, depends on the care and monitoring to take after this.
Carefully following the instructions after the surgery with your doctor and the work team it will increase to a great chance of success and will help to avoid the probable complications.
The patient will stay in hospital for 1 to 2 days according to the medical prescription.
Intravenous medicines will be administered.
Early MOBILIZATION after the first 4 to 6 hours after surgery.
You can eat ice after 6 hours of surgery (according to the medical order)
Breathing exercises (according to the medical prescription).
It is possible that you feel pain on the shoulders, chest or back, this is provoked by the distension of diaphragm during laparoscopy procedure, one calls him to this “pain reflected” , this will disappear in a few days.
Must walk, this will decrease the “pain reflection” (in the case of you feel this pain) also help to prevent the formation of blood clots (Thrombi) pulmonary complications and other complications.
The amount of pain varies from patient to patient, in those moments, you need have a physical activity for help to recovery, we need your cooperation to restore their bowel functions and eject the gases trapped in the intestine and stomach.
You may experience flatulence (gas) or burps, this is because to the manipulation of their internal organs, medicines and some maneuvers that make increase the air in stomach. The sensitivity to the gases can increase because now the stomach is smaller, so that a small amount of gas can feel like a large amount. Remember the distension of the small stomach by gases can also cause a “pain reflection”.
Another effective method that will help you to expel your body´s air more quickly and efficiently, are the breathing exercises that you must perform after surgery, these are simple and simply deep breaths, inhale and exhale air with depth, you will perform them within the first 10 days after your surgery.
Abdominal distention: The best way to alleviate this discomfort and help push the gas bubble out is to walk, lie down side ways or change position frequently. This discomfort will disappear in most cases in less than 48 hours.
Pain: In rare cases, the abdominal pain abdominal can during also 3 weeks and often spread to the back, chest and shoulders, which must be able to be controlled with medication for pain. When the pain spreads each time is usually for the Little expulsion of gases in your stomach and intestine.
En rarest cases, the abdominal pain may last up to 3 weeks and spread to the back, chest and shoulders, which must be able to be controlled with medication for pain. When the pain spreads each time is usually for the Little expulsion of gases in your stomach and intestine.
Action to reduce the abdominal air.
NOT to speak for long period of time
NOT to chew gum
NOT to drink liquids with straw
NOT to smoke or to burp by force.
You can take a shower after 24 hours of your surgery.
Surgical wound: Keep the tape in the area of the wounds, you can wash normal with soap and water after 3 days. Nurse in charge will remove the tapes and you must continue to wash only with soap and water the wounds in his daily you take a shower, remember the sutures are absorbable so there will be no need to withdraw them, if you note redness or that any some wound is supporting or you see something strange your wound please call to the dr. Immediately
Physical Activity: Physical limitations after laparoscopic surgery are minimal. We recommend that you walk the same day as your surgery.
On having been discharged it, you can go up and down stairs, you can walk at home or outside of home during 10 minutes of continuous walk (whenever it is light for you). On month after the surgery you will be able already to realize aerobic exercises.
Exercise is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle, it will help prevent health problems, increase your strength, increase energy and help us reduce stress.
It will also help us maintain a body weight andreduce our appetite.
Previous exercises before your surgery:
It is advisable to start one month in advance of your surgery to perform physical activity, trying to perform it 3 to 5 active days with a total of 150 minutes per week.
You can perform aerobic exercises in sets of 3 sets of 15 repetitions and 2-minute breaks between each set.
First week post-surgery
Your first week is important to keep absolute rest and continue your clear liquid diet.
Second week post-surgery
Starting with your second week you can start physical activity of 5-12 minutes with simple aerobic exercises, the main thing would be to start with general stretches for your whole body and after that start with a simple walk (other than inclined places) finishing your walk perform exercises to cool the body (stretching).
They should be done 3 to 5 days a week as you go feeling, adding up a total of 90 minutes a week
It is very important that starting this week start supplementing with a protein drink and its multivitamin so as not to feel fatigued.
Third week post-surgery
At this stage you will be starting your diet with soft foods so you will have a little more energy to start performing more complete aerobic exercises.. The intensity remains, however, progress should be made to reach the volumes prior to surgery (150 min/week), considering the tolerate of each person. This can be achieved by increasing the weekly frequency or time per session.
Example of aerobic exercises:
Static bike
With the previous exercises we can extend it from 20 to 30 minutes:
Jumping squats
Jumping jacks
Simple jumps to the rope
With the above exercises you can increase the ''tabata'' method which consists of training with preferred rounds of 5 to 8 sets of 20 seconds with the highest number of work and 10 seconds of rest between them.
Don't forget that it's important to take at least 5 minutes of stretching before starting any physical activity and at the end of our exercise session.
Fourth week Post-surgery
During this week you will start to feel better because your diet will be more complete and you will have more energy to perform progressive physical activity and be able to go on to perform anaerobic exercises.
Example of anaerobic exercises:
Light weight squats
Push ups
Step up
Buttock bridges
Mountain climbers
You can start using light weight, resistance leagues or some low weight object in sets of 3 by 12 to 15
repetitions and combine it with a little aerobic exercise, along with their stretches.
It is important to keep your doctors informed of your progress, to avoid any injury or modify any training as you go by feeling every week.
After the first month post surgery go with your doctor to inform your progress and start performing a sport of your liking and start with advanced anaerobic physical activity.
Return to Work: Because it is a laparoscopic surgery the limitations are minimal. If you work is in an office you just need 7 days before to return to work. If you need to raise or to load things of more than 2kg or 4 pounds in your work than we recommend you need return to your activities in a month after the surgery.
Can I drive my car? You can drive in a week after you'r surgery.
Sexual Activity and Sleep upside down: You can restart as soon as the pain lets you. It may be between 3 days to 2 weeks after the operation.
Special Consideration's:
Nausea and vomiting are most common side effects during the first week and the first month after surgery. There are usually appear after eating very fast by accompanying food with beverages or by not chewing food properly or eating more than the stomach can hold. Nausea and vomiting can also occur when you try to taste new foods if this happens, let a few days pass and try again.
Dehydration occurs primarily when the vomiting and diarrhea is frequent. A way to prevent this is to drink low-calorie beverages between meals. Remember that the stomach after the surgery can just 3 to 4 ounces of liquid.
Eat from 3 to 6 small portions of food a day.
You need chew slowly and carefully the food.
Do Not chewing gum.
Do Not eat too much. (follow instructions)
If you have any doubt please call us.
Remember you are not only in your recovery you have a great team of professional of the health accompany it.